1. Display system information without open the casing:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>systeminfo
=> C:\Users\ICSB>dxdiag
2. View the list of active processes:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>tasklist
3. Stop any active process:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>taskkill process id (image name)
4. Dump all the network as a script on the screen:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>netsh dump > file.txt
5. Format USB pen drive forcefully:
i) Plug in USB pen drive
ii) Right click on My Computer then Manage
iii) Click on Disk Management
iv) See your USB pen-drive drive > right click on it > click on Format option
v) Format will be done (if your USB pen drive is ok)
i) First see the drive information
ii) Unmount USB pen drive
=> umount /dev/sda1 or
iii) Format the USB pen drive:
=> sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 (for linux file system)
6. Shortcut for MS Office program:
=> powerpnt (for Powerpoint)
=> notepad (for notepad)
7. Other Shortcuts:
=> shutdown
=> shutdown -r (restart)
=> firefox (if it installed)
8. Some Useful Commands for linux
9. To Install adobe flash plugin
--------- arahman.iit@gmail.com --------
1. Display system information without open the casing:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>systeminfo
=> C:\Users\ICSB>dxdiag
2. View the list of active processes:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>tasklist
3. Stop any active process:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>taskkill process id (image name)
4. Dump all the network as a script on the screen:
=> C:\Users\ICSB>netsh dump > file.txt
5. Format USB pen drive forcefully:
Some time pen drive does not format with simply right click & format command. Then follow the following system:
i) Plug in USB pen drive
ii) Right click on My Computer then Manage
iii) Click on Disk Management
iv) See your USB pen-drive drive > right click on it > click on Format option
v) Format will be done (if your USB pen drive is ok)
Or it can be done with Linux with the following Commands:
i) First see the drive information
=> sudo fdisk -l
(Assumed /dev/sda1 is the partition for USB pen drive)
ii) Unmount USB pen drive
=> umount /dev/sda1 or
Click on Places > Computer > Select USB pen drive > Right click > Select Unmount Volume
iii) Format the USB pen drive:
=> sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 (for linux file system)
=> sudo e2label /dev/sda1 label_name (for label on ext3 file system)
=> sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 (for windows file system)6. Shortcut for MS Office program:
=> winword (for word)
=> excel (for Excel)=> powerpnt (for Powerpoint)
=> notepad (for notepad)
7. Other Shortcuts:
=> sysedit (system configuration editor)
=> regedit (registry editor) => Win + R (to open the run dialog)
=> control panel (to open control panel)=> shutdown
=> shutdown -r (restart)
=> firefox (if it installed)
=> Win + E keys (for explorer)
=> Win + Pause Break keys (for system setting)8. Some Useful Commands for linux
1. => sudo dpkg --configure -a
2. => sudo apt-get -f install
3. => sudo apt-get --fix-missing install
4. => sudo apt-get clean
5. => sudo apt-get update
6. => sudo apt-get upgrade
7. => sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
8. => sudo apt-get clean
9. => sudo apt-get autoremove
9. To Install adobe flash plugin
1. => sudo aptitude update
2. => sudo aptitude upgrade
3. => sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound
1. => sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin
2. => sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
--------- arahman.iit@gmail.com --------
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